"Reaching Beyond"
A Platform for Exponential Growth Since 2003.

Mission Statement:
To provide an elevated platform for dentists interested in incorporating implant specific procedures for practice growth. A philosophy of intense didactic instruction, active participation, coupled with live observation to establish competency to ensure immediate positive clinical outcomes.
Below are the current available courses through E.C.I.I.
ECII "LIVE" SURGICAL EXPERIENCE - Utica, NY | April 3 & 4, 2020
Fort Schuyler Club, Genesee St. Utica, NY, 13501
The implant surgical "Live" experience provides doctors the opportunity to observe or perform dental implant procedures. The ECII facility has state of the art imaging (CBCT), Surgical suite, video with audio monitors in operating room and a remote viewing area to visualize all aspects of the live experience.
Conventional and Immediate implant placement are long established and evidence based approaches to implant therapy.The program will present case based learning with the observation of "Live" surgery. Case presentations with videos will demonstrate basic and IIPP protocols.
Dates: April 3, 4 2020
Friday: Didactic, case presentations, "Live" Surgery Basic - PRP/PRF 8am - 4pm
Saturday: "Live" Surgery - Immediate Implant lacement with Provisionalism (IIPP)IIPP - PRP/PRF 8am 4pm
REGISTRATION FEE: MaxiCourse Participants - $950.00 | Non-MaxiCourse Participants - $1,975.00 | Team Members - $300.00
*Limited Attendees to maximize the learning experience Course fee includes breakfast and lunch
Contact Us
Tel. (315) 724-5141
Below are the past courses through E.C.I.I. Click the course to view full details.
At the completion of the program, the participant will:
- Understand immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) protocols
- Be able to implement the procedure immediately into their practice
- Demonstrate the entire protocol via a “hands on” exercise on typondant models
- Observe the IIPP process via “live” surgery
- Develop treatment choices based on “decision tree” presented for various clinical scenarios
- Demonstrate “live” platelet rich plasma/fibrin preparation and utilization
The two day immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) program is designed to educate the dentist in a scientifically proven and clinically adventageous procedure. This intense program, “springboards” the clinician’s ability in streamlining single tooth replacement in as little as two patient visits. The didactic, “hands on” and “live” surgery observation concept of learning reinforces retentions and implementation. The program focuses on a major process that can positively enhance patients’ lives with exponential financial growth for the practitioner. This is accomplished by less patient visits, higher referrals, and ideal esthetic outcomes.
Curriculum: Two Day IIPP Program
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (IIPP)
“The Next Level Up”
IIPP is an evidenced based approach to resolve a non-restorable tooth. It marries extraction, implant surgery, impression and restorative procedures into only 2 appointments with 1 surgery.
The process incorporates minimally invasive means coupled with platelet concentrates to enhance healing and positive outcomes. This 1 day program explains the science, protocol and treatment considerations. It is the basis for incorporating IIPP into your practice.
Friday Session:
Day 1: Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY
Lecture/”hands on”/demonstration
AM Session 8:30 am-12:00 pm
- Surgical/Prosthetic Protocols- Type I socket, multi-rooted teeth
- Case presentations
- CBCT evaluation
PM Session: 1:00 pm-4:30 pm
- Hands on: IIPP central incisor, PRP/PRF Development/demonstration
- Lecture: Type II sockets (3:00 pm-4:00 pm)
- Case presentations- Advanced
Saturday Session:
Day 2: Dr. Jackson’s Private Office
2534 Genesee St, Utica, NY | East Coast Implant Institute
- “Live” surgical suite
- Video monitor- surgical suite
- Video/audio monitor- remote site
- Visual and audio area
8:00 AM -10:30 AM:
Case presentation (live patient) “live” surgery- IIPP
- “Live” PRP/PRF phlebotomy, preparation, utiliazation
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Review protocols, infection management, decision trees
- Questions/Answers
Date: April 13, 2017– SOLD OUT | Date: April 27-28, 2018 – SOLD OUT
Fixed-detachable prosthesis “The Full Arch Solution”
September 7, 2018 - SOLD OUT
As the population ages worldwide, individuals with hopeless teeth or who are completely edentulous will increase. The fixed detachable prosthesis is a predictable implant approach to manage this group of patients. Scientific research has demonstrated high success rates over the long term. Several areas of discussion existconcerning treatment planning, technology, surgery and prosthetics. The 1 day program will address the science, areas of discussion, CBCT protocols and exhibits the clinical aspects through case reports. A hands on component including surgical placement, as well as multi-unit and prosthetic principles.
- After the participants complete the program they will:
- Understand the science that supports the fixed detachable prosthesis
- Comprehend the areas of discussion and how it relates to clinical protocols
- Learn the protocols for the “all on X” to successfully perform the procedure
- Develop an understanding of patient management through case presentations.
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (IIPP) “Advanced Case Management”
October 12,13, 2018 - SOLD OUT
The immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (IIPP) approach is a scientifically proven method for the management of hopeless teeth. The advanced program focuses on educating, the practionior on more difficult cases. Sinus augmentation, PRP/PRF and multiunit case presentations will be highlighted. The program will have hands-on and a live surgical component to demonstrate the IIPP approach.
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization- “Basic and Live Surgery”
This 2 day immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP) program is designed to educate the dentist in a scientifically proven and clinically advantageous procedure. This intense program “springboards” theclinician’s ability in streamlining single tooth replacement in as little as 2 patient visits. The didactic, hands on and LIVE surgery observation concept of learning reinforces retention and implementation. The 2 day program focuses on a major process that can positively enhance patient’s lives with exponential financial growth for the practitioner. This is accomplished by less patient visits, higher referrals and ideal esthetics outcomes.
“Dr. Jackson is a warm, caring, knowledgeable practitioner of implant dentistry. Our Association has been quite fulfilling and I strongly recommend his courses. His office membership also has been helpful to us.”
-Richard Whalen, DDS
Hyde Park, NY
“Dr. Jackson is an energetic speaker who interacts well with the audience. Our referring doctors appreciated hi lectures and left feeling more confident in implant dentistry.”
-Eric R, Smiga, DMD
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Pittsburgh, PA
“I have heard them all, and he is he is the best.”
-Ramin Bahram, DDS
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Philadelphia, PA
“His lectures are always informative, full of real life situations and I appreciate his time and effort to teach implant dentistry at all levels. Dr. Jackson’s lectures and presentations taught me the science and the practical side of implant dentistry. His warm personality and friendly staff always offer us the help I need, his method of one on one training gave me the confidence to walk into implantology.”
-Iyad Morcos, DDS
Montreal, Canada
Our Partners

The East Coast Implant Institute (ECII) is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 09/1/2018 to 08/31/2020. Provider #386576